Saturday, January 25, 2014

Abusive usage of dungeon kick

I was on my level 17 mage from the LGP guild at the Wailing Caverns today. A cloth belt dropped and I rolled need it since it was an upgrade. I didn't think to check the stats until the Troll priest complained. The priest pointed out that the belt had spirit stats.

I looked back at the belt and saw the spirit stats and apologized for not checking it earlier since I usually check before I roll a need. Regardless of their case, it was a fair win when we both rolled need. I won by two points. A few minutes later, the priest was giving grief over a need roll from one of the players who accidentally clicked need on a shield intended for a tank. It's an open roll to paladins, warriors and shamans. As far as what I have gathered from the Tauren warrior during the chat session while I was lagging behind due to network latency, the priest was being obnoxious about his dungeon kick vote. I did not realize I had voted that player off for that reason, because I usually vote 'no.' The priest who initiated the kick vote stated their reason as 'bye.' I was lagging and missed the whole conversation, I regrettably agree that my vote was ignorant and selfish. When the final boss dropped a caster's ring, the warlock won the need roll and the priest initiated another vote kick reason 'eeeeeeeeeee.' I had to vote 'no.' Unfortunately, the group disbanded and I was not able to move forward to another dungeon.

I felt highly upset about the incident, I had to see for myself why this priest was making such a big fuss over the armor stats. It has been a long time since I had to deal with a WoW armor stats Nazi. My husband came over to see what I was upset about and pointed out the player's level and equipment. 

Sadly, Blizzard does not have complaint reports of abusive players regarding misuse of dungeon kick. This character has heritage armor sets to last it until 85. The very telling thing was, the armor set this Troll priest was wearing didn't even have stats of spirit. It was obvious this player was not running a healing skill because he was tanking the dungeoun mobs more than the Tauren warrior was. 

Players like that are the reasons why my husband avoid coming to dungeons with me. I hate PUG groups as much as anybody. I have been playing since the WoW beta was launched. Most of my Vanilla WoW friends have moved on to other MMO's or have pursued playing the latest console games. I understand the frustration of dealing with players who become so asinine about needing armor sets for their characters. However, I do feel I need to have the right to report abuse such as this incident.

Drafted on January 19, 2014