I haven't been writing her story recently because life has taken hold of most of my time trying to be a responsible adult. This recent post was due to the recent integration with Goggle+. I think Blogger looks better without Goggle+, but it's not something I can control. Here's to being a good sport about it.
There was no entry to where I can save the data about the things I had setup for Zereuwk, so I'm going to leave it here.
Interests: Questing for almost anything that has good rewards or loot including honor and reputation
Occupation: Mercenary/Assassin
Location: Astranaar, Darnassus
Favorite Music: The starting theme of Darnassus and Stormwind
Favorite Books: The Waking World and the Well of Eternity
On Blogger since February 2011
The Order of the Compass website hasn't been up-to-date lately. I do apologize for that. I'm hoping things will get better. I know I need to work on it. Saying it isn't going to cut it either. Thank you so much for still being with me.