Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thank God for Macros

Just want to filter the forum for the most important thing:

Quote Originally Posted by Greivence
  1. Im not currently in Beta, but on PTR ive noticed with the new video settings you CANT turn off death effect/full screen glow effect. Personally, ive always hated both of these and ive never played with them on, but on PTR i dont have the option to turn them off

    Is this something blizzard is implementing? IE: U cant turn them off anymore? Or is it simply over looked?
  2. Stood in the Fire
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    View PostI feel with you mate. I hate those effects too. Though you can actually turn them on/off still. All you need to do is when you are ingame you use some console code in chat.

    For Turning off Full screen glow thing you type:

    /console ffxGlow 0

    For Death glow thing type:

    /console ffxDeath 0

    You can turn them on/off simply by using either 0=off or 1=on in the end.

    Hope this helps.

    EDIT: Though you can still turn them on/off like this imo they should just let them stay in the options for ppl to decide them selfs
    Last edited by Belial; 2010-09-29 at 06:21 PM.

    I reject your reality and substitude my own! - Adam Savage

So there. For those wanting to know how to do this when you're questing and end up dying and unable to see crap from the deathly glow effects. Took me 10 mins to find my body because of that silliness.

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