Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thrusting Hodir's Spear

For the life of me, I just cannot comprehend why Assyria and Sabryna can ace this quest aside from Zereuwk. I used the same rotation every time. I use [Grab on] after every [Dodge Claws], and throw in [Mighty Spear Thrust], every opportunity since you only have to 2 seconds to do so. I have to use [Grab on] at least 3 or 4 times, because MST is -15 grip debuff. When the MST is still on count down, I use [Thrust Spear]. I have no idea why the rotation is horrible on Zereuwk. I checked Wowhead again.
By Naee (2,081 1·2·4) on 2008/09/30 (Patch 2.4.3)

Best daily quest ever! Must be honored with Sons of Hodir and have completed Raising Hodir's Spear

Take the Spear and find a wild wyrm flying around west of Dun Niffelem and throw the spear.

You will find yourself flying around on a wild wyrm gripping onto its belly and you gain a new action bar as if you were in a vehicle, there are 4 abilities for phase 1 (there are a total of 2 phases).

Grab On - Tighten your grip increasing the number on the grip buff by 10.

Dodge Claws - Moves you closer to the wyrm allowing you to dodge its only attack for the next 2 seconds. 4 second cool down (does NOT have a global cool down)

Thrust Spear - Jab Hodir's Spear at the wyrm dealing 1000 to 1300 damage. Decreases grip by 5

Mighty Spear Thrust - Thrust Hodir's Spear deep into the wyrm dealing 9k to 11k damage but you cannot take any action for the next 5 seconds while you pull the spear out (this includes dodging). 10 second cool down Decreases grip by 15

So basically you cannot let your grip fail and it decays over time, slowly at first but will eventually become too much to handle. (I think its about 1-3 min don't know exactly before it becomes too much to handle). If the buff fades you will fall to your death.

Constantly be using Thrust Spear on the wyrm while keeping your grip above 35-40. When a warning pops up alerting you to its claw attack use the Dodge Claw ability and after it use Mighty Spear Thrust. The objective is to get the wyrm to 25% of its health to force it into phase 2. If you think your grip is decaying too fast use Mighty Spear Thrust and hope for the best. At 25% you go into phase 2.

In phase 2 you are in its mouth (O.O) you have 2 abilities.

Pry Jaws Open - Prys the wyrm's jaws open by 5 degrees increasing your chance to hit with fatal strike by 5% per application. (stacks 20 times)

Fatal Strike - Throws Hodir's Spear into the wyrm's throat instantly killing it has a 0% hit chance on its own you NEED to use Pry Jaws Open.

So now you're flying around in its mouth. You gain a debuff called Jaws of Death which hit me (premade hunter with all that blue premade gear) for about 632 a second. The damage is physical so it might be affected by armor not sure though.

All you need to do for this phase is pray you didn't get hit by too many claws in phase 1 and use Pry Jaws Open as much as you can before attempting fatal strike (10+ stacks is nice but I live on the edge and go to 20 with almost no health left its intense!) If you are close to death and not at 20 pray your fatal strike hits.

Once he dies you fall to the ground (still in its mouth very cool) hit the ground and jump out.

Congrats you just killed a giant wyrm with only a spear. ^.^
Last edited by adashiel on 2008/10/20 (Patch 3.0.2)
Maybe Zereuwk is just bad at math. I'll probably have to figure out a good rotation for her. Until then, she will not be taking this daily quest.

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