Monday, July 16, 2012

Arathi Basin PvP

I got excited when the battle for Arathi Basin battleground weekend started again. It's been a while since I returned there. I got the quests completed. Now, I just have to get the exalted reputation to get the tabard. The gamers at WoWhead informed that it was going to be a long grind. Especially for me, since the last PvP set I had was Season 1. I finally got enough points to get myself a Season 11 chest armor.

The players have been vicious since the last time I played in the battlegrounds. One player announced that my gear sucked so bad I was wasting everybody's time coming to Arathi Basin and make the Alliance lose the battle. Another one said that everyone with shitty gear should not even queue for battle. Well, guess what? For someone like me to have shitty gear, I was able to assault bases and defend a couple resources with the team I was with.

No, I did not argue with any of these people. I just follow the tank - it's just the thing I do; always and must without a doubt. I don't remember so much of being barraged about my gear on PvP aside from the previous guilds I had been in. I have come across a number of players, who just play for the hell of it and rank up Honor Kills on the score board. 9 times out of 10, the ones whom you see chatting away with how much we all suck are the ones who don't even rank #1 on the scoreboard. I just thought I'd point that out and laugh with amusement. I don't intend to be crude, but it's something to remind myself - I'm doing a good job by just being there in the battlefield to have fun. I had a number of good battleground runs myself.

It was a very good battle. This was a good team.


Even then, I know there are better rogues who do better damage than I do. One in particular, the Undead rogue of Silverhand (not sure if the character is still there). He really did a number on me. No matter where I would hide, he'd find me, ambush me, stun me, bleed me, stun me again and disappear and cheap shot me until I'm dead. I was pretty impressed. Obviously, I can't play like he does. I just don't have the stamina to move around in circles. My motion sickness will overcome me. I would have to hold up a while to finish the game and later on give play time a rest until the next day.

I'm sure there are many players by now who have come across the name Zereuwk. When I show up in PvP, they know who to target. That's okay. I enjoy seeing the challenge I face in battlegrounds. As long as the rest of the team play fair without prejudice and defamation.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blood is thicker

This quest is frustrating. It says to kill an animal around the Borean Tundra. I did just that. I wasn't getting covered in blood. The deer by Kaskala didn't work. The moth by Warsong Hold didn't work. Finally got to Lake Kum'uya. Killed a mammoth. Low and behold. The blood splattered on me. It would have been easier if they could have marked where the animal should be on the map like any other quest objectives. *sigh* Yes, I did check WoWhead's info on it.

So for the benefit of others who get as easily frustrated as I did for a quest that should be easy, the location coordinates are between 54:44 and 53:44 by Lake Kum'uya.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

At Last

After painstakingly running Zereuwk through Scholomance, the Cadaverous Gloves and Walkers dropped off from Lady Illucia Barov and Lord Alexei Barov respectively. Why only now, you ask? I lost these from a hacker, who managed to kill all my characters and sold my items. Blizzard managed to recover most of them except Zarekius (Night Elf Male Priest), Palisokeja (Troll Female Hunter), Xesus (Undead Male Warrior), Amoofa (Tauren Female Shaman) and Evilynne (Orc Female Warlock).

After purchasing the Blizzard Token, I never had that problem again. I was happy to find out that Blizzard had returned the Tier 1 armor to the PvP Quartermaster after the announcement of Cataclysm. I was reluctant at first because the new gear looked really fantastic. I did miss my well-earned Tier 1 gear. The longing was too great. I got them. Needless to say, I earned it much easier than I did the last time.

With Mist of Pandaria on it's way, I'm not sure I'll be able to spend a lot of time to get the latest and greatest PvP gear. I'll be behind again like the last couple of times they updated the patch. It's all well and good, though. I'm not in a hurry.

The achievements are what makes it fun. I discovered where the mice were hiding, especially the locusts. One might ask why I need so many characters. I did want to stick to one. So many people out there were so horrible at nit-picking, I decided to create other characters just to get a break from them.

Anyway, that's all well in the past now. It would be difficult to get other people, who have the same schedule I do just to get into a dungeon; let alone a raid. Battlegrounds are notorious; especially players who run around me like a maniac because they can handle being dizzy. I can't. I have motion sickness. One battleground is enough to make me hurl. I'm just grateful Blizzard designed Grizzly Hills for people like me who wants to PvP without the madness. That's only if I'm playing on Zere. It's a different story when I'm on my other characters. They can run around all they like, but they can't run when they've been cursed and hexed to the nth power. *Evil laugh*

As for quests, it all depends. I've played them for so long, I know which ones to ignore. I'm having Zere try for the Lore Master Achievement. Finding old quests isn't easy as it sounds. Flying can only take you so long until you've realized you've been flying for 2 hours. It felt like a minute, but if you're not paying attention to the time on your computer, you'll end up wondering why you're suddenly hungry. Don't worry. I haven't done that in a long time. Ever since I came back to playing WoW, I kept the screen as a windowed view.

Things have been better since then. I'm not as stressed as I used to. If I don't like the feel of the battleground, the dungeon group or the quest, there's always fishing, cooking, mining, picking flowers and skinning to do. I would like to pick up fishing one day. Just go outdoors, by the bank of the river or a lake and start a cast and wait for the fish to get the bait.

Yes, I've rambled you to death. If you've managed to finish reading this, you've definitely got the idea I'd filled you in for the whole summer.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bwemba in my personal space

I don't know about you, but I was trying to rescue some dwarves from zombies. Bwemba's spirit happens to follow me everywhere I go. I know she's part of the quest, but does she really have to be on top of my character's personal space? Come on, Blizzard!

I rarely complain. This was enough to annoy the hell out of me. Seriously. At least the pet and minions move away after I'm done attacking whenever I'm playing with my hunters or warlocks. This particular one, does not. I get it. She's an apparition. Still, would it kill Blizzard to move her a tad from my character's personal space?

Some Good Will Come

A Panther cub? I don't know whether to feel happy or sad. I was following this quest chain, Follow that Cat. By the time I got there, the giant cat, Mauti attacked me. Naturally, I had to defend myself.

I found Grent Direhammer, who wanted this cat dead, in bad shape at Mauti's lair. There was a panther cub pawing at his feet. After I buried Grent with his boots, the cub looked at me with such longing. I felt really bad killing Mauti. I'm not sure whether or not Mauti was male or female. It is still the cub's parent. I had no other choice, but to adopt it.

I had a small emotional break down. However, I do know that this cub is in good hands. This is going to take a toll on me until the end of my days. This is the only adoption I ever felt guilty for. Silly hot-headed dwarf.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thrusting Hodir's Spear

For the life of me, I just cannot comprehend why Assyria and Sabryna can ace this quest aside from Zereuwk. I used the same rotation every time. I use [Grab on] after every [Dodge Claws], and throw in [Mighty Spear Thrust], every opportunity since you only have to 2 seconds to do so. I have to use [Grab on] at least 3 or 4 times, because MST is -15 grip debuff. When the MST is still on count down, I use [Thrust Spear]. I have no idea why the rotation is horrible on Zereuwk. I checked Wowhead again.
By Naee (2,081 1·2·4) on 2008/09/30 (Patch 2.4.3)

Best daily quest ever! Must be honored with Sons of Hodir and have completed Raising Hodir's Spear

Take the Spear and find a wild wyrm flying around west of Dun Niffelem and throw the spear.

You will find yourself flying around on a wild wyrm gripping onto its belly and you gain a new action bar as if you were in a vehicle, there are 4 abilities for phase 1 (there are a total of 2 phases).

Grab On - Tighten your grip increasing the number on the grip buff by 10.

Dodge Claws - Moves you closer to the wyrm allowing you to dodge its only attack for the next 2 seconds. 4 second cool down (does NOT have a global cool down)

Thrust Spear - Jab Hodir's Spear at the wyrm dealing 1000 to 1300 damage. Decreases grip by 5

Mighty Spear Thrust - Thrust Hodir's Spear deep into the wyrm dealing 9k to 11k damage but you cannot take any action for the next 5 seconds while you pull the spear out (this includes dodging). 10 second cool down Decreases grip by 15

So basically you cannot let your grip fail and it decays over time, slowly at first but will eventually become too much to handle. (I think its about 1-3 min don't know exactly before it becomes too much to handle). If the buff fades you will fall to your death.

Constantly be using Thrust Spear on the wyrm while keeping your grip above 35-40. When a warning pops up alerting you to its claw attack use the Dodge Claw ability and after it use Mighty Spear Thrust. The objective is to get the wyrm to 25% of its health to force it into phase 2. If you think your grip is decaying too fast use Mighty Spear Thrust and hope for the best. At 25% you go into phase 2.

In phase 2 you are in its mouth (O.O) you have 2 abilities.

Pry Jaws Open - Prys the wyrm's jaws open by 5 degrees increasing your chance to hit with fatal strike by 5% per application. (stacks 20 times)

Fatal Strike - Throws Hodir's Spear into the wyrm's throat instantly killing it has a 0% hit chance on its own you NEED to use Pry Jaws Open.

So now you're flying around in its mouth. You gain a debuff called Jaws of Death which hit me (premade hunter with all that blue premade gear) for about 632 a second. The damage is physical so it might be affected by armor not sure though.

All you need to do for this phase is pray you didn't get hit by too many claws in phase 1 and use Pry Jaws Open as much as you can before attempting fatal strike (10+ stacks is nice but I live on the edge and go to 20 with almost no health left its intense!) If you are close to death and not at 20 pray your fatal strike hits.

Once he dies you fall to the ground (still in its mouth very cool) hit the ground and jump out.

Congrats you just killed a giant wyrm with only a spear. ^.^
Last edited by adashiel on 2008/10/20 (Patch 3.0.2)
Maybe Zereuwk is just bad at math. I'll probably have to figure out a good rotation for her. Until then, she will not be taking this daily quest.

Friday, April 20, 2012

On Ruby Wings

You know, I wouldn't mind scrolling down to look for the best answer in Wowhead, but it's still cumbersome having to do so. Some people's current post still stack above the actual answer. You actually have to have points to vote for that answer to appear at the top. So instead, I'm doing it this way; for my convenience.
By Krazen (1,126 18) on 2008/08/28 (Patch 2.4.3)

The Wastes Scavenger are all around the diggin site at 54,34.
Then go on the top of the hill behind the site at 54.38,31.25 and kill the giant called Thiassi the Lightning Bringer. After his death Grand Necrolord Antiok will appear, dismount, kill him and loot the Scythe of Antiok.
I also found out that I have to be at gliding level (100 feet above ground) from where the Wastes Scavengers are. Not that it was a big deal, but still it would have been nice to have "Death from Above" feel. It was really easy once I got to kill the Elite guy. Unfortunately, he threw the scythe of Antiok at my Ruby Dragon and she died. It was a good thing he cast fear on me. I was running mid-air towards the cliff, which I found amusing and relieved at the same time. For a Zak being a shadow priest, it wasn't a bad run after all.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Noblegarden Week

It's the season of the Spring bunny to present the ever elusive [Brightly Colored Egg] in Dolanaar and Falconwing Square. The first few rounds I managed to collect 30 to 50 eggs within 2 hours just by circling around the area of Dolanaar considering each egg spawns between 2 and 5 minutes apart from each other after being gathered; not including the campers who have taken hold of their favorite spots, which I found out takes longer since the egg spawns at a different location after 5 minutes have passed. Some spots spawn 3 eggs. Other spots, 6 to 7 eggs, if you're paying attention. It wasn't long before I managed to collect about 950 eggs just by running on routine and finding more eggs, which others have missed. With that being said, I had kept 1 [Spring Circlet], 1 [Spring Flowers], 4 [Blossoming Branch]es, 3 [Spring Rabbit's Foot]s, 1 [Spring Robe], 3 [Elegent Dress]es, 2 [White Tuxedo Shirt]s and 2 [Black Tuxedo Pants]. (Note: I had to destroy the rest of them since I was running out of inventory space during my quest to complete, A Tisket, A Tasket, A Noblegarden Basket). I had to give 10 [Noblegarden Chocolate]s to complete the quest, ate 25 of them to get the Chocolate Lover achievement, and I had to give 500 [Noblegarden Chocolate]s to get the [Swift Springstrider]. I had better luck watching Rhæ getting everything in one shot. She collected 250 eggs and received 4 event achievements in 2 hours. This was around noon eastern standard local time, which was around 11:00 am server time.

The best place to start is right by the Clothier, Brannol Eaglemoon. 4 eggs spawn there. As you walk further along under the bridge there is one egg there. By the time you get to the entrance of the inn where the mailbox is located, there are 4 possible eggs that spawn there. As you continue to walk towards the Flight Master, Fidelio one egg spawns in a bush by the lamp, one egg under the hippogryph's nest to the Flight Master's right and one under behind the nest to the hippogryph to his left. Oh, be weary of stealthy Night Elf pink blue spotted bunnies hiding under the bushes there too. The sneaky bastards!

There are 2 eggs under the bridge to the entrance of where Athridas Bearmantle stands. Sometimes an extra egg spawns atop the standing vase across from where Syral Bladeleaf stands. There is an egg that also spawns in a bush in that area. As you head towards the house by the inn, there is a lamp with two bushes. One egg in each bush. Don't ask me why, but I think Blizzard might have made this an euphemism. Across from this lamp is a bench with a vase and a bush. One egg under the bench, one egg in the bush and one egg atop the vase. As you head towards the hunter trainers, there are about 4 or 5 possible eggs that spawn there too. Lots of campers there so I avoided that as much as I could. I happened upon that area when they left and snagged several on my other rounds. I made about 19 rounds total.

When I got to the house, I managed to snag a few here and there, since there were plenty campers. Some were AFK, others were just plain obnoxious. There are 5 eggs in front of the house: one in the pond, one in a bush next to the lamp, one in a bush by the door, 2 eggs by the window. There are two eggs behind the house.

Only one egg spawns under the table where the Cooking Trainer, Zarrin is. There is always a camper there. I managed to collect about 6 from there when there wasn't one camping about.

Once you head towards the graveyard, there are 4 possible eggs that spawn there too. As you head towards the moonwell, where Corithras Moonrage stands, there are 5 possible eggs that spawn there: 3 eggs in the bush, one egg by the well, and one in the well. That, was how I did my rounds.

I'm really happy I managed to get what I came for. It's all about sticking to the routine. I was actually tempted to ask one of the campers how many eggs they were able to collect so far. If I were a smart camper, I'd stick by the graveyard or run in circles about the house since you have about 3 feet distance allowance to pick it up from where you stand. I'm not sure if that was a patch update or not, but I was rather frustrated that I had to struggle as a pink bunny to get to the egg that was 5 feet from me only to be snatched away by a stealthy sneaky Night Elf pink bunny! *sigh*

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Alpha Worg Quest

Some people just need to give better and useful information. Took me a while to filter through the forum just to get this:
By Charybdis1969on 2009/06/22 (Patch 3.1.3)
Found him ambling southward at 28,14, so he heads well into the spider area at times.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The courtesy of World of Warcraft players

There are certain social etiquette you expect from people whether they be at a restaurant, library or social gatherings. For some unexplainable reasons, all of that is pushed aside when it comes to virtual or on-line social networking. I do not make it a habit of reporting my unpleasant experiences with Blizzard. Some things are not worth reporting. In other cases,  I'm rest assured Blizzard expects people to play along nicely. It is simple to assume that would likely be the case.

It was my first dungeon run at Grim Batol. A human priest, to say the least uncanny for such a species, proceeded to demand me to STFU when I was announcing I was having trouble seeing my screen. So, I died twice. Deaths happen. Deal  with it. After I died facing a boss, I was unfamiliar with, the priest cussed me out as a "noob" and refused to resurrect my avatar even though the Mage had the same problem with the UI, who then proceeded to re-log. Whether or not this mage was a friend of the priest, the priest didn't even give the mage a lip of vulgarity the way it did me.

Needless to say, it wasn't a pleasant experience grouping with this Human priest, Valeureuse of the Durotan server. It is not the first and will not be the last unpleasant player I had to deal with. Regardless of what other World of Warcraft players think, I will continue to play as a casual gamer, an In-character Role-player (that's what Zereuwk does), and loot to my heart's content.

My only assumption is, this Human priest could possibly be a kid, who doesn't know any better. In my opinion, for any parent who would allow their child, younger than 18, to play this game, is an idiot. Grow some and discipline your child; not stick them in a room where they lash out on TV and Internet medias.

Weeknights is my playtime and weekends are my quality time with my baby. That's how it's been, and that's how it will continue to be.